In the fall of 2021, Transcend shared a set of discussion and survey tools based on the idea that educational redesign should start by talking to those for whom school matters most—young people themselves.
What did communities learn from listening to students?
This NEW paper analyzes data from 20,000+ students who participated in Transcend’s Leaps Student Voice Survey and focus groups. Read the themes that emerged and what students are saying about their experience at school.
This year, let’s listen to student voices as we walk the road to reinvention.

Are you moving forward toward equitable, 21st-century learning or sliding back to an outdated model?
In another year of crises, schools are contending with enormous challenges. Yet this moment also offers a road to reinvent schooling and make leaps toward better, more equitable learning.
Are you walking this road? Your young people will let you know.
Begin listening now

Conversations with Kids: Start a Conversation
Download our conversation guide to talk to one student or a small group of students.

Conversations with Kids: Adult Reflection Guide
A guide for adults to make meaning of Leaps Student Voice Survey and conversation responses, assess progress on the Leaps, and consider actions they can take.
Leaps Student Voice Survey
Interested in administering the Leaps Student Voice Survey on your own or partnering with Transcend?

Continue Your Journey

Transcend Community
The Transcend Community is a free, vibrant network of leaders, educators, and designers of innovative schools and learning environments.

Leaps for Equitable, 21st Century Learning
A 1-page overview of the ten “leaps” critical to moving learning from inequitable, industrial-era to equitable and responsive to 21st century demands.

Responding, Recovering, Reinventing: Three Jobs that Matter for School Communities Navigating a COVID World
A call to action for schools to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic in ways that support recovery now and reinvention in the future.

Harnessing Tensions: A Both/And Approach to School Recovery and Reinvention
How have schools recovering from intersecting crises embraced complex, seemingly-opposed tensions confronting schools and systems?

Designing for Learning Primer
The primer introduces four key factors that impact learning: cognition, motivation, identity, and individual variability.

Leaps Student Voice Survey Overview
This resources provides a brief overview of the Leaps Student Survey, a validated tool for gathering evidence about student experiences.

Leaps Student Voice Survey: Spring 2022 technical report
This technical report describes the process we used to build and validate the Leaps Student Voice Survey.