In addition to our open-source digital resources, we create printed copies of some resources and tools to support school design. We use these resources within our school design partnerships and sell them here so anyone interested can order and use in their own communities.
For larger orders, please email us.
Designing for Learning Resources
Designing for Learning Primer
Our Designing for Learning Primer summarizes the essence of what’s known about how four factors—cognition, motivation, identity, and individual variability—influence learning in a way that is digestible and actionable. It shares key insights pulled together from neuroscience, cognitive science, psychology, education, and other disciplines through 16 principles that describe how people best learn. In addition to briefly explaining each principle, it also provides some general implications for designing learning environments and lists additional resources.
Designing for Learning Cards
Our Designing for Learning Cards are a flexible, interactive tool created to deepen understanding and enable the application of the insights discussed in the Primer. The decks contains a card for each of the 16 principles of learning described in the Primer as well as booklets with activities the cards can be used for and a brief overview of the overall Designing for Learning framework. The activities are organized into two groups—those that will help build understanding of how learning best occurs and those that will help you apply your knowledge.
Mental Health Resources
Mental Health Trend Cards *Updated Fall 2023*
17 cards that explore trends related to mental health through research findings and expert quotations in order to provoke thinking, especially about the implications for schools.
Mental Health Lenses
A tool to help schools understand and use three drivers of mental health as sharpening lenses for reflecting on and redesign their learning environments.
Trend Cards
Original Trend Cards *Updated Fall 2023*
Thought-provoking cards for sparking conversation about trends in technology, employment, health, and more as well as the implications these trends have for learning environments. Each card shares a key headline and an image on the front along with related statistics and quotations on the back.
Rural Trend Cards *New Fall 2023 *
These cards are intended to spark conversation about the implications of contemporary trends occurring in rural contexts on the schools in those communities. Each card shares a headline related to one of four categories on the front and evidence that further illustrates the headline on the back.