Young black girl looking at a science exhibit, close up

COVID-19 Support

Overview of Recovery to Reinvention Supports

In a flash, school communities across the country found themselves dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic. The unprecedented disruption has further laid bare the deep inequity and inflexibility of our current education system. However, during this challenging time, we are also seeing collective resilience and creativity on full display. This gives us great hope because, while we know the journey ahead will be a challenging one, it also presents opportunities to fundamentally rethink schooling. 

As we shared in “Three Jobs That Matter,” we believe every school community will confront an important choice as they move forward from this crisis: Do we recover in ways that allow us to restart what we were doing pre-COVID? Or do we recover in ways that reinvent aspects of our design?

For communities seeking the latter, we created three supports:

Leading During Coronavirus

A blog series created in collaboration between The School Superintendents Association and Transcend to support and spotlight education leaders across the country navigating the COVID-19 crisis.

Transcend is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit that operates nationally.