March 18, 2021|3:00 pm ET
Self-Directed Learning: A Landscape Analysis and Recommendations for Transforming Educational Practice

Imagine a world where every high school graduate is a self-directed, independent learner. The Institute for Self Directed Learning—founded in 2020 by TDC members Tyler Thigpen, Cristina O’Brien, and their team—partnered with TDC members Rachel Carlson, Brandi Kenner, and Erin Raab to write and publish a landscape analysis of the field of self-directed learning. To build on the 9th of Transcend’s Ten Leaps for Equitable, 21st Century Learning—“active self direction”—this webinar will share a high-level summary of key concepts and findings further outlined in the 2021 landscape analysis, including:
- The why of self-directed learning
- Definitions of self-directed learning
- Key theories that support self-directed learning
- Shifts schools can make toward self-directed learning
- Key levers of self-directed learning design
- Exemplary self-directed learning schools and research hubs
- The mission and work of The Institute for Self-Directed Learning