Achievement First (AF) is a network of 32 high-performing public charter schools across five cities in the Northeast. Despite strong postsecondary success data (97% matriculation rate), long-term alumni tracking revealed low college graduation rates. After surveying and interviewing alumni, AF recognized they needed to do more to ensure more of their young people really thrived in college and beyond. In addition, the move to Common Core revealed gaps in students’ abilities to engage in higher order thinking and complex, non-standard problem-solving.
These dynamics pushed leaders to rethink AF’s core model. After engaging in conversation with school designers Aylon Samouha and Jeff Wetzler, co-founders of Transcend, AF decided officially to launch what would become a multi-year innovation effort to create a new model of school for AF. Their work included a two-site pilot, which led to the development of the Greenfield model and inspired the launch of Transcend.
Continue Your Journey
Greenfield Expeditions Exchange Entry
Greenfield Expeditions is on The Models Exchange for exposing middle school students to careers and passions to build sense of self and purpose.
Greenfield Dream Teams Exchange Entry
Greenfield Dream Teams is on The Exchange for it’s student-led conferences which build a support network and foster motivation and ownership.
Greenfield Goal Teams Exchange Entry
Greenfield Goal Teams is on The Exchange for helping students grow a sense of purpose, build meaningful relationships, and develop life habits.
Designing Schools to Support the Whole Child
Van Ness Elementary School partnered with Transcend to design and spread their Whole Child Model, which focuses on the well-being of every child.
Partners in Innovation
Valor Collegiate Academies partnered with Transcend to engage in community-based R&D focused on how best to fuel comprehensive human development.
A Journey into Educational Innovation
Edgecombe County Public Schools partnered with Transcend to design an innovation school to prepare students for success in a rapidly changing world.
Full STEAM Ahead
The story of the Brooklyn STEAM Center’s community-based journey to build a comprehensive career and technical education model.