What happens after a school district adopts a Portrait of a Graduate? Join Transcend and NGLC to hear directly from educators and learners about the shifts they are making as they breathe life into their communities’ graduate portraits. In this interactive and engaging workshop, you will learn how their portraits are changing teaching and learning and how teachers and students are leading the way. You will also learn about tools and resources available in NGLC’s The Portrait of a Graduate stories Transcend’s Graduate Aims Library that can help your school community activate your portrait in your own learning spaces.
Featured speakers:
About The Portrait of a Graduate in Practice: With funding from the Barr Foundation, Next Generation Learning Challenges (NGLC) asked five communities how students are developing the skills and competencies in their Portrait of a Graduate and what teaching, learning, and school culture looks like now. The stories of activating a new vision for student success feature interviews with nearly 50 educators and learners offering first-hand accounts in narratives, short podcasts, rich imagery, tools, and examples of student work. Be inspired to design learning that helps learners develop the skills in your Portrait of a Graduate.
*Photo credit: Da Vinci Schools